Tag: crime

Why I Think the Death Penalty Should Be Abolished

In this blog post, I share my opinion on why the death penalty should be abolished, and what are some of the legal and ethical implications of doing so. I argue that the death penalty is arbitrary, discriminatory, ineffective, and irreversible, and that it violates the right to life and the presumption of innocence. I also suggest some alternative ways of dealing with crime and violence, that are more humane and effective.

Smuggling in America: What You Need to Know

Smuggling is a big problem in America. It is the illegal movement of goods, people, or money across borders or within a country. Smuggling can involve drugs, weapons, wildlife, counterfeit products, or human beings. Smuggling can also use different methods, such as hiding things in vehicles, boats, planes, or trains; paying off officials; faking documents; or using tunnels, drones, or submarines. In this blog post, you will learn about the types, actors, impacts, and solutions of smuggling in America.

Human Trafficking in Europe: A Hidden Crime

Human trafficking is a serious and hidden crime that affects millions of people worldwide. It can involve many forms of abuse, such as sexual slavery, forced labour, organ harvesting, and more. In this blog post, you will learn about the situation of human trafficking in Europe, the EU’s response to it, and what you can do to make a difference. Together, we can end this hidden crime and free the enslaved.