Category: Tax Law

Unraveling the Tax Maze: Your Guide to Finding Your State of Legal Residence

Embark on a journey to decipher the intricacies of determining your state of legal residence for tax purposes. Uncover the essentials, from understanding the significance of legal residence to navigating state residency rules. Whether you’re a snowbird escaping winter or a digital nomad bouncing from state to state, this guide provides a roadmap for making sense of the tax landscape. Arm yourself with knowledge, count your days, and declare your intentions as you become a formidable tax warrior in the adulting adventure.

How to Plan Your Estate with Trust & Will

Are you wondering how to plan your estate with trust and will? If so, you are not alone. Estate planning is the process of deciding what will happen to your money, property, and other belongings after you die or become unable to manage them. It can help you take care of your family and friends, avoid legal problems and delays, save money on taxes and fees, and respect your wishes and values. In this blog post, you will learn why you need both a trust and a will for your estate planning, how to create them, and where to get help. You will also discover Trust & Will, a company that offers online tools and services that allow you to create, edit, store, and share your trust or will legal documents. Read on to find out more.

Trump Company And Trump Payroll Corporation. Attorney Michael Van Der Veen

Michael van der Veen, 58, bounded onto the national stage in 2021 without a discernible agenda beyond representing clients in significant cases, comparing himself to “Goodyear selling tires” or “Ticonderoga selling pencils” after representing former President Donald Trump in his second impeachment only months after suing the Trump administration over the suppression of mail-in ballots.