Category: Laws

The ABA’s Role in Promoting Diversity, Inclusion, and Justice in the Law

The American Bar Association (ABA) is the largest voluntary association of lawyers and law students in the United States. It has a mission to serve the public by defending liberty and delivering justice as the national representative of the legal profession. In this blog post, you will learn how the ABA promotes diversity, inclusion, and justice in the law and the legal profession, and what you can do to support these values.

White Phosphorus: A Lawful Weapon or a War Crime?

White phosphorus is a chemical substance that has been used in warfare for various purposes, but it is also a highly controversial weapon, because of the horrific injuries it can cause to civilians and combatants alike. In this blog post, I will explore the legal and ethical issues surrounding the use of white phosphorus munitions, and whether they should be banned or regulated.

How the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles Can Help You

: Learn how the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA) can help you with your legal problem and make a positive difference in your life. LAFLA is a nonprofit organization that provides free or low-cost legal services to people living in poverty across Greater Los Angeles. LAFLA can help you with a variety of legal issues, such as housing, domestic violence, immigration, consumer rights, employment, government benefits, expungement, community development, and civil rights. Find out how to apply for LAFLA services and what to expect from them.

Roe vs Wade: A Case That Changed America

In this blog post, I will explain the basics of the Roe vs Wade case, its impact on abortion rights in the US, and my personal opinion on the issue. I will also discuss the consequences of banning abortion, and why I think Roe vs Wade was a good decision that should not have been overturned.