Is Counting Cards Illegal in Las Vegas? A Lawyer’s Perspective

Las Vegas

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Hi there! It’s likely on your mind, if you’re reading this, if it’s against the law to count cards in Las Vegas. I can tell you from experience as a lawyer that this is an often asked issue. Now let’s get started!

Counting cards is not prohibited.

First things first: it’s not against the law to count cards in Las Vegas. Yes, you did really hear me! No state or federal legislation forbids using card counting as a winning tactic. But since casinos are private establishments, they are free to bar anyone from entering. Therefore, even though counting cards won’t get you arrested, if you get detected, you might be asked to leave the casino.

It’s Not Cheating to Count Cards

You may be asking yourself, “But wait, isn’t card counting cheating?” at this point. No, is the response. Counting cards is just a blackjack tactic that requires keeping track of the cards that have been dealt. There is no manipulation of the game or cheating involved. In reality, card counting is a common strategy used by skilled gamblers to raise their winnings.

Remember this

Having said that, there are a few considerations you should make if you intend to count cards in Las Vegas. Casinos are constantly searching for people who count cards. They monitor every player at every table using sophisticated surveillance footage. observing any indications of card counting. The casino is fully entitled to ask you to vacate the table, stop playing that particular game, or even leave the premises if they suspect you are counting cards.

It’s also important to remember that, although card counting in and of itself is lawful, utilizing mechanical or electronic tools to count cards is. The state of Nevada forbids the use of mechanical or electrical devices, including smartphone apps, for card tracking. Thus, if you intend to count cards, be sure to do it the old-fashioned way—that is, with your brain!

In conclusion

To sum up, it is not against the law to count cards in Las Vegas. But it’s crucial to keep in mind that casinos are private establishments with the ability to request your departure if they believe you are counting cards. Therefore, if you’re going to attempt card counting, be sure to do it properly by using your brains rather than your phone!