Legal Funding: What It Is and How It Can Help You

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If you are involved in a legal case, you may be wondering how to pay for your lawyer and other expenses. Legal fees can be very high, especially if your case is complex or takes a long time to resolve. You may not have enough savings, income, or credit to cover the costs. You may also be worried about losing your case and ending up with nothing.

That’s where legal funding comes in. Legal funding is a type of cash advance that you can get from a company that specializes in helping plaintiffs with their legal expenses. Unlike a loan, legal funding is not based on your credit score, income, or assets. Instead, it is based on the strength and value of your case.

In this blog post, I will explain what legal funding is, how it works, what are the benefits and risks of legal funding, and how to choose a legal funding company.

What Is Legal Funding?

Legal funding is a way of getting money from a third-party company to pay for your legal expenses while you are pursuing your claim. The company will evaluate your case and offer you a certain amount of money, usually a percentage of your expected settlement or award. You will sign a contract with the company, agreeing to repay the money plus a fee or interest when your case is resolved. The fee or interest rate may vary depending on the company and the type of case.

Legal funding is different from a loan because you do not have to make monthly payments or provide any collateral. The company will only get paid if you win your case or get a settlement. If you lose your case or get nothing, you do not have to pay anything back to the company.

Legal funding is also different from a contingency fee arrangement with your lawyer. A contingency fee means that your lawyer will only get paid if you win your case or get a settlement. The lawyer will take a percentage of your recovery as their fee. Legal funding is an additional source of money that you can use for any purpose, such as paying your lawyer, covering your living expenses, or paying off debts.

How Does Legal Funding Work?

The process of getting legal funding is usually simple and fast. Here are the steps involved:

  • You apply for legal funding from a company that offers this service. You will need to provide some information about your case and your lawyer.
  • The company reviews your case and decides whether to approve your application. If approved, the company will offer you a certain amount of money, usually a percentage of your expected settlement or award.
  • You sign a contract with the company, agreeing to repay the money plus a fee or interest when your case is resolved. The fee or interest rate may vary depending on the company and the type of case.
  • The company sends you the money, either directly or through your lawyer. You can use the money for any purpose, such as paying your lawyer, covering your living expenses, or paying off debts.
  • When your case is settled or won in court, you repay the company from the proceeds of your recovery. If you lose your case or get nothing, you owe nothing to the company.

What Are the Benefits of Legal Funding?

Legal funding can have several benefits for plaintiffs who need financial assistance while pursuing their legal claims. Some of the benefits are:

  • Legal funding can help you avoid financial stress and hardship while waiting for your case to be resolved. You can pay your bills, buy groceries, and take care of your family without worrying about running out of money.
  • Legal funding can help you avoid settling your case for less than it is worth. Sometimes, defendants or insurance companies may try to pressure you into accepting a lowball offer because they know you are desperate for money. With legal funding, you can have more bargaining power and hold out for a fair settlement or verdict.
  • Legal funding can help you access quality legal representation and expert witnesses. You can hire the best lawyer for your case and pay for any expenses that are necessary to prove your claim. This can increase your chances of winning your case or getting a higher settlement.

What Are the Risks of Legal Funding?

Legal funding is not without risks. Some of the risks are:

  • Legal funding can be expensive. The fee or interest rate that the company charges may be high, especially if your case takes a long time to resolve. You may end up paying back more than you borrowed, reducing your net recovery.
  • Legal funding can affect your relationship with your lawyer. Some lawyers may not approve of legal funding or may have ethical concerns about it. Some companies may also interfere with your lawyer’s decisions or strategy regarding your case. You should always consult with your lawyer before applying for legal funding and make sure they agree to work with the company.
  • Legal funding can affect your taxes. Depending on how the company structures the transaction, you may have to report the money you receive as income and pay taxes on it. You should consult with a tax professional before accepting legal funding and make sure you understand the tax implications.

How to Choose a Legal Funding Company?

If you decide to apply for legal funding, you should do some research and compare different companies before choosing one. Here are some tips on how to choose a legal funding company:

  • Look for a reputable and experienced company that has been in business for a long time and has positive reviews from previous clients.
  • Look for a transparent and fair company that discloses all the terms and conditions of the contract, including the fee or interest rate, repayment terms, and any penalties or fees for late payments or defaults.
  • Look for a flexible and responsive company that offers fast approval and funding, customized solutions for different types of cases, and easy communication and customer service.


Legal funding is an option that can help plaintiffs who need financial assistance while pursuing their legal claims. It can provide them with cash advances based on the strength and value of their cases, which they can use for any purpose and repay when their cases are resolved.

However, legal funding also has some risks and costs that should be carefully considered before applying. Plaintiffs should consult with their lawyers and tax professionals before accepting legal funding and make sure they understand the contract they are signing.

I hope you found this blog post helpful and informative. Thank you for reading!