Countries Where Weed Is Legal in 2023


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If you’re a cannabis enthusiast, you might be wondering where you can travel to enjoy some weed without breaking the law. While cannabis is still illegal in most countries, there are some places where you can legally use it for medical or recreational purposes. In this blog post, I’ll share with you some of the countries where weed is legal in 2023, and what you need to know before you go.

Canada: The First G7 Country to Legalize Weed

Canada was the first G7 country to legalize cannabis for recreational use in 2018. Anyone over the age of 18 (or 19 in some provinces) can buy, possess, and consume up to 30 grams of dried cannabis or its equivalent in public. You can also grow up to four plants per household for personal use. There are licensed retailers where you can buy cannabis products, or you can order online from authorized producers. However, each province and territory has its own rules and regulations regarding cannabis, so make sure you check them before you visit.

What to Expect When You Visit Canada

Canada is a diverse and multicultural country with a lot to offer to tourists. You can explore its natural beauty, cultural heritage, and vibrant cities. You can also enjoy its cannabis culture, which is friendly and welcoming. You can find cannabis cafes, lounges, festivals, and events where you can socialize with other cannabis users. You can also try different strains and products, such as edibles, oils, and concentrates. However, you should also be aware of some of the challenges and risks of using cannabis in Canada. For example:

  • You cannot cross the border with cannabis, even if you are traveling to another country where it is legal.
  • You cannot drive or operate heavy machinery while under the influence of cannabis.
  • You cannot smoke or vape cannabis in places where tobacco is prohibited, such as indoor public spaces, schools, playgrounds, and hospitals.
  • You cannot consume cannabis in national parks, historic sites, or marine conservation areas.
  • You may face legal consequences if you violate any of the cannabis laws or regulations.

Thailand: The Land of Smiles and Cannabis

Thailand legalized medical cannabis in 2018, and recreational cannabis in 2022. The country has a long history of using cannabis as a traditional medicine and a culinary ingredient. Now, anyone over the age of 20 can buy, possess, and consume up to 10 grams of cannabis or its equivalent in public. You can also grow up to six plants per household for personal use. There are dispensaries where you can buy cannabis products, or you can order online from licensed producers. However, you need to register with the government and obtain a cannabis card to access legal cannabis.

What to Expect When You Visit Thailand

Thailand is a popular destination for travelers who want to experience its rich culture, stunning scenery, and delicious food. You can also enjoy its cannabis scene, which is growing and evolving. You can find cannabis spas, restaurants, bars, and clubs where you can relax and have fun with other cannabis users. You can also try different varieties and products, such as Thai sticks, bhang, and ganja tea. However, you should also be aware of some of the challenges and risks of using cannabis in Thailand. For example:

  • You cannot bring or take out cannabis from the country, even if you have a valid medical prescription or a cannabis card.
  • You cannot drive or operate heavy machinery while under the influence of cannabis.
  • You cannot smoke or vape cannabis in places where tobacco is prohibited, such as temples, schools, government buildings, and public transport.
  • You cannot consume cannabis near children or pregnant women.
  • You may face legal consequences if you violate any of the cannabis laws or regulations.

Uruguay: The Pioneer of Cannabis Legalization

Uruguay was the first country in the world to legalize cannabis for recreational use in 2013. Anyone over the age of 18 who is a citizen or a permanent resident can buy, possess, and consume up to 40 grams of cannabis per month. You can also grow up to six plants per household for personal use, or join a cannabis club where you can share up to 480 grams per year with other members. There are pharmacies where you can buy cannabis products, or you can register with the government and obtain a cannabis license to access legal cannabis.

What to Expect When You Visit Uruguay

Uruguay is a small but charming country with a lot to offer to visitors. You can explore its beautiful beaches, rolling hills, and historic towns. You can also enjoy its cannabis culture, which is discreet and respectful. You can find cannabis clubs or associations where you can meet and exchange with other cannabis users. You can also try different strains and products, such as flowers, oils, and edibles. However, you should also be aware of some of the challenges and risks of using cannabis in Uruguay. For example:

  • You cannot buy or sell cannabis to anyone who is not a citizen or a permanent resident of Uruguay.
  • You cannot drive or operate heavy machinery while under the influence of cannabis.
  • You cannot smoke or vape cannabis in places where tobacco is prohibited, such as indoor public spaces, schools, hospitals, and sports venues.
  • You cannot consume cannabis in tourist areas, such as hotels, resorts, or beaches.
  • You may face legal consequences if you violate any of the cannabis laws or regulations.

Spain: The Home of Cannabis Clubs

Spain has a unique situation when it comes to cannabis. While it is illegal to buy, sell, or consume cannabis in public, it is legal to grow and consume it in private. This has led to the emergence of hundreds of cannabis clubs or associations where members can grow and share cannabis among themselves. These clubs are not-for-profit and operate under strict rules and regulations. However, they are not officially recognized by the government and operate in a legal gray area. Therefore, if you want to join a cannabis club in Spain, you need to be invited by an existing member and pay a membership fee.

What to Expect When You Visit Spain

Spain is a vibrant and diverse country with a lot to offer to travelers. You can experience its rich history, art, and culture. You can also enjoy its cannabis scene, which is lively and varied. You can find cannabis clubs or associations in almost every city and town, where you can socialize and network with other cannabis users. You can also try different strains and products, such as hashish, rosin, and moon rocks. However, you should also be aware of some of the challenges and risks of using cannabis in Spain. For example:

  • You cannot buy or sell cannabis outside of the cannabis clubs or associations.
  • You cannot drive or operate heavy machinery while under the influence of cannabis.
  • You cannot smoke or vape cannabis in places where tobacco is prohibited, such as indoor public spaces, schools, hospitals, and parks.
  • You cannot consume cannabis in public places, such as streets, squares, or beaches.
  • You may face legal consequences if you violate any of the cannabis laws or regulations.

Portugal: The Leader of Drug Decriminalization

Portugal decriminalized all drugs in 2001, including cannabis. This means that anyone who is caught with up to 25 grams of cannabis or its equivalent will not face criminal charges, but rather a fine or a referral to a treatment program. However, it is still illegal to grow, sell, or consume cannabis in public. There are no legal retailers or producers of cannabis in Portugal, so most people obtain it from the black market or grow it themselves. However, there are some initiatives to legalize medical cannabis and regulate recreational cannabis in the country.

What to Expect When You Visit Portugal

Portugal is a beautiful and friendly country with a lot to offer to tourists. You can discover its stunning landscapes, charming cities, and delicious cuisine. You can also enjoy its drug policy, which is progressive and humane. You can find harm reduction services, such as needle exchange programs, safe injection sites, and drug testing kits. You can also access treatment and support programs if you need them. However, you should also be aware of some of the challenges and risks of using cannabis in Portugal. For example:

  • You cannot buy or sell cannabis legally in Portugal.
  • You cannot drive or operate heavy machinery while under the influence of cannabis.
  • You cannot smoke or vape cannabis in places where tobacco is prohibited, such as indoor public spaces, schools, hospitals, and parks.
  • You cannot consume cannabis in public places, such as streets, squares, or beaches.
  • You may face legal consequences if you violate any of the drug laws or regulations.


These are just some of the countries where weed is legal in 2023. There are many more countries that have legalized medical cannabis or decriminalized recreational cannabis, such as Australia, Germany, Jamaica, Mexico, South Africa, and more. However, each country has its own laws and regulations regarding cannabis, so make sure you do your research before you travel.

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