What is the Legal Aid Society and How Can It Help You?

legal aid society

Image source: Pexels.com

If you are facing a legal problem and you cannot afford a lawyer, you might feel hopeless and helpless. But don’t worry, there is a way to get free or low-cost legal assistance from the Legal Aid Society. In this blog post, I will tell you what the Legal Aid Society is, what kind of services it offers, and how you can access them.

What is the Legal Aid Society?

The Legal Aid Society is a not-for-profit organization that provides legal representation and advice to low-income people in New York City. It was founded in 1876 and it is the oldest and largest provider of legal aid in the United States. The Legal Aid Society has over 2,000 staff members, including lawyers, paralegals, social workers, investigators, and support staff. They handle more than 300,000 cases and matters every year, covering a wide range of legal issues.

The History of the Legal Aid Society

The Legal Aid Society was established by a group of lawyers and philanthropists who wanted to help the poor and immigrants who faced injustice and discrimination in the courts. They started by offering free legal advice to people who were arrested or sued for minor offenses. Over the years, they expanded their services to include more complex and serious cases, such as civil rights, labor disputes, family law, immigration law, and criminal defense. They also played a key role in shaping the law and policy in New York City and beyond. Some of their notable achievements include:

  • Winning the right to counsel for indigent defendants in criminal cases in 1963
  • Challenging the constitutionality of the death penalty in New York State in 1972
  • Securing the right to education for homeless children in 1986
  • Obtaining a landmark settlement for victims of police brutality in 1999
  • Advocating for the rights of low-wage workers, tenants, immigrants, LGBTQ+ people, and people with disabilities

The Mission and Vision of the Legal Aid Society

The Legal Aid Society has a mission to provide equal justice for all and to fight for the dignity and rights of their clients. They have a vision to create a society where no one is denied justice because of poverty or oppression. They believe that everyone deserves respect, fairness, and opportunity in the legal system and in society. They strive to achieve their mission and vision by:

  • Providing high-quality legal services to their clients
  • Empowering their clients to make informed decisions about their lives
  • Collaborating with community partners and allies to address systemic issues
  • Educating the public and policymakers about the needs and rights of their clients
  • Innovating new ways to deliver legal aid more effectively and efficiently

What kind of services does the Legal Aid Society offer?

The Legal Aid Society offers three main types of services: criminal defense, civil legal services, and juvenile rights.

Criminal Defense

The Legal Aid Society represents people who are accused of crimes and cannot afford a private lawyer. They provide high-quality defense in all stages of the criminal justice process, from arraignment to trial to appeal. They also advocate for alternatives to incarceration, such as diversion programs, drug treatment, and mental health services.

How Criminal Defense Works

If you are arrested or charged with a crime in New York City, you have the right to have a lawyer represent you. If you cannot afford a lawyer, the court will appoint one for you. The court may assign you a lawyer from the Legal Aid Society or from another organization that provides indigent defense services. Your lawyer will meet with you as soon as possible after your arrest or arraignment. Your lawyer will explain your rights, your charges, your options, and your possible outcomes. Your lawyer will also investigate your case, gather evidence, interview witnesses, negotiate with the prosecutor, prepare motions, conduct hearings, and represent you at trial if necessary. Your lawyer will work hard to protect your interests and achieve the best possible result for you.

Who Can Get Criminal Defense Services

You can get criminal defense services from the Legal Aid Society if you meet two criteria: you are charged with a crime that carries a possible jail sentence or other serious consequences; and you are unable to pay for a private lawyer based on your income, assets, family size, and expenses. The court will determine your eligibility for appointed counsel at your arraignment or at any other stage of your case.

Civil Legal Services

The Legal Aid Society helps people who are facing civil legal problems that affect their basic needs and rights, such as housing, family, immigration, health, employment, education, and benefits. They provide advice, representation, and advocacy in areas such as eviction prevention, domestic violence, child support, asylum, disability rights, consumer debt, and tax issues.

How Civil Legal Services Work

If you have a civil legal problem that threatens your well-being or your rights, you can contact the Legal Aid Society for help. You can call them, visit their website, or go to one of their offices or intake sites in your borough. They will ask you some questions about your income, assets, family size, and legal problem. They will then determine if you are eligible for their services based on your financial situation and the type of case you have. If you are eligible, they will assign you a lawyer or a paralegal who will work on your case. They will also refer you to other resources or organizations that can help you with your problem.

Who Can Get Civil Legal Services

You can get civil legal services from the Legal Aid Society if you meet two criteria: you have a civil legal problem that affects your essential needs or rights; and you are unable to pay for a private lawyer based on your income, assets, family size, and expenses. The Legal Aid Society has different income guidelines for different types of cases. You can find more information about their eligibility criteria on their website.

Juvenile Rights

The Legal Aid Society represents children and adolescents who are involved in the child welfare or juvenile justice systems. They protect their rights and interests in court proceedings, administrative hearings, and other forums. They also provide social work services and referrals to community resources.

How Juvenile Rights Work

If you are a child or an adolescent who is in foster care, who is accused of a crime, who is facing abuse or neglect, who has special education needs, or who has any other issue that involves the government or the courts, you have the right to have a lawyer represent you. The Legal Aid Society has a team of lawyers and social workers who specialize in juvenile rights. They will meet with you, listen to you, advise you, and advocate for you. They will also help you access services and supports that can improve your situation and your future.

Who Can Get Juvenile Rights Services

You can get juvenile rights services from the Legal Aid Society if you are under 21 years old and you are involved in the child welfare or juvenile justice systems in New York City. You do not need to meet any income or financial criteria to get these services.

How can you access the services of the Legal Aid Society?

If you need legal help from the Legal Aid Society, you can contact them by phone or online. You can find their contact information on their website. You can also visit one of their offices or intake sites in your borough. You can find their locations on their website as well. When you contact them, they will ask you some questions about your income, assets, family size, and legal problem. They will then determine if you are eligible for their services based on your financial situation and the type of case you have. If you are eligible, they will assign you a lawyer or a paralegal who will work on your case.

Why should you trust the Legal Aid Society?

The Legal Aid Society is a reputable and respected organization that has been serving the people of New York City for over 140 years. They have a mission to provide equal justice for all and to fight for the dignity and rights of their clients. They have a team of dedicated and experienced professionals who are passionate about their work and committed to their clients. They have a track record of success and impact in many areas of law and social justice. They have won landmark cases, secured policy changes, obtained favorable settlements, and helped thousands of people improve their lives.


The Legal Aid Society is a valuable resource for low-income people who need legal help in New York City. They offer free or low-cost legal services in criminal defense, civil legal services, and juvenile rights. They have a long history of excellence and integrity in providing legal aid to the most vulnerable and marginalized members of society. If you are facing a legal problem and you cannot afford a lawyer, don’t hesitate to contact them. They might be able to help you.